“Just roll with the punches.”
It sounds like a good plan, right? It is, but it’s not always easy.
When I look at my life, I see where I am now and remember where I expected to be this time last year. They don’t totally match up. In some ways, I feel I’ve let myself down and wonder if I could have tried harder. I question if I’m really supposed to be on the path I’m walking. I worry I’ve let others down along the way. I wonder what others think about my progress, or lack of. Sometimes, I feel downright defeated.
Those anxious thoughts running through my head certainly won’t propel me toward my dreams and, if I’m not careful, they can complete derail me.
It’s a fact; when we focus on problems, we’ll have more problems. When we focus on possibilities, we’ll have more opportunities! Our troubles seem less stressful and challenges and obstacles don’t seem as overwhelming when we’re focused on the positive. So why do we put so much energy into the negative things around us?
Talking about our problems is a serious addiction. Complaining, whining, and belly- aching is a habit we must focus on breaking. We are so blessed and there are many people who have it worse than we do! Let’s talk about our joys and blessings!
Reflecting on the abilities, the gifts, the food, the “stuff” we have, our income, and loved ones should really humble us, moving us to thank God for the abundance of blessings He’s poured on our lives.
When I focus on thanking God for the food before me, it helps me feel more satisfied with a smaller amount of food. I still have the luxury of choosing almost anything I want to eat, but I don’t need to act like a hog at a trough. It’s as simple as slowing down, thanking God for every bite, enjoying the food I’ve been blessed with and the company around me, enjoying the journey. It’s molding me into something better and more wonderful. It’s changing my world. And by changing my little world, I’ll be able to help change the worlds of others.
Be thankful! Focus on positive, good things! Stop focusing on (and speaking or thinking) negative, pessimistic garbage that’s toxic to your life. It destroys your attitude, your thoughts, your relationships, and your dreams. If you aren’t careful, it can completely destroy your world.
You’re worth much more than that. You are loved. You are beautiful. Your dreams are really important. There’s much more in store for you, gorgeous!
When the enemy starts attacking your thoughts and trying to shake your faith, remember:
You are exactly where you’re supposed to be. God doesn’t make junk; He makes masterpieces and you are one of them. You are loved, you are valued, and you serve a God of grace. When you rely on God, your relationship with Him grows stronger. When you rely on God, your faith grows. Each mistake you’ve made provides you with an opportunity to learn and grow. As long as you have breath, you have another opportunity to begin again. Good things take time, patience, and endurance. Everything that happens is part of God’s awesome plan for you. You are not God and you don’t know His perfect plan; you must trust Him, even when it feels impossible.
Gladly roll with the punches. This life is beautify and you are so blessed to live it!

Chrissy Kirkman
Influencer Chrissy Kirkman is a life coach, worship leader, dreamer, mentor, wife, and bonus mom with a passion to help others overcome adversity and achieve their dreams. Chrissy understands first-hand what it’s like to want to give up. Enduring a divorce, financial hardship, weight loss struggles, depression, anxiety, endometriosis, multiple surgeries, and losing five babies has deepened Chrissy’s faith in God and transformed her into an overcomer!
You are always fun to be with and your words of encouragement are refreshing.
Thank you so much!