WARNING: In this article, references will be made about networking being FUN.
Now that I have your attention.
We have all heard that you are the average of the 5 people you hang out with.
Well, I am not sure what that equates to, especially since my time is largely spent with a three-year-old who thinks she is six and a nine-year-old boxer dog who thinks he is a human (honestly he sleeps with his head on the pillow!)
All jokes aside… To evoke growth and achievement in your career and business, belonging to a tribe of like-minded peeps is essential.
Our family can only nurture us through a certain amount of our life’s journey, so encouraging oneself to network, (No… now wait! I saw your eyes roll!) is a the savvy thing to do.
Belonging to a tribe, a community, a group of women who will keep you out of the belly of the beast… The beast is the triple headed monster called procrastination, overwhelm and fear.
A tribe is different from your everyday girlfriends. The tribe will push you off the ledge, but will be jumping with and showing you how to fly (still that doesn’t mean you won’t crash and burn!) They will dust you off and yes… Push you again. They SEE you, I mean really SEE you. The you who is strong, determined, passionate, clever and creative. You, who cheeks flush and eyes sparkle when you are in full flight on top of your soap box. They see you, passionate to make a difference. They remind you when you don’t see you. The tribe reminds you of your light when it feels so goddamn dark! Amongst the sea of other women you learn to drop your judgement. To see that jealousy is a beacon for you to keep stepping up, to be aware that what you see in them you have in you. A tribe hears you when your knees hit the ground in exhaustion and cheer so loudly when you win. Can you feel it. Stop doing it alone.
Wanna belong to a tribe?! Hell yeah!
Here are four ways to rephrase, repurpose and get over yourself about networking.
Create a tribe or community of your own. Invite like-minded people you already know. You don’t have to have 100’s to feel and experience the power.
Here are three ways to rephrase, repurpose and get over yourself about networking.
1. Create a tribe or community of your own. Invite like-minded people you already know. You don’t have to have 100’s to feel and experience the power.
2. Find a group on Facebook there are loads out there.
3. Talk with you current business friends about what groups and events they go attend.
She Is Fierce! loves Natalie’s tribe! Check it out at Career Gals and Babes In Biz
Natalie Tolhopf knows what it’s like to try and fit in where you don’t see how it could work. Working as a chef in male-dominated, hot, and pressurized kitchens, she kept focused on her passion and learned from the best in the UK and Europe.
She took these skills into the development of a new café in New Zealand which made her see how important business planning and systems were. There, she discovered a rewarding love of teaching others how to be their best and realized her own worth and that it is okay to highly value yourself, your skills and experience.
From working in small business, she moved into a hospitality and tourism school tutoring young people in the importance of their own efforts and attitudes in even a large organization. Despite having a two-year-old and another baby on the way, Natalie was given the opportunity to run the business where she was in her flow, pushing the limits.
Knowing some time before that she would take the leap into launching her own business, she waited until the time was right and then … went for it!Natalie stopped playing small. She stopped hiding, stepped up, built upon her own journey, and started to inspire and uplift women to showcase themselves to catapult their career.
Meet Natalie here… http://www.catapultyourcareer.co.nz
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