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I'm Kelly - the founder of She Is Fierce! and your host on our blog featuring stories and wisdom from fierce women all over the world! 


#21: Overcoming Challenges, A She Is Fierce! Talk with Cindy Chaconas, Pink Up the Pace Founder

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This 2020 podcast season is all about finding the best ways to work through everything 2020 has brought to our doors… and today’s podcast features a woman who was brought overwhelming health challenges and pressures at an early age and was able to overcome them and find ways to support others going through the same struggles.


Pink Up the Pace! Founder Cindy Chaconas is a breast cancer survivor who discovered her cancer in her 20’s… and found out soon after that her mother also had breast cancer.


They fought the disease together and while Cindy worked and went for treatments… she came up with and brought to life the very popular Pink Up the Pace! Race.


It’s a fun 5k race filled with pink tutus, dogs and kids dressed in pink sparkles… and filled with women and men who are survivors and the people who love and support them.


Her story is one I think we can all benefit from listening to right now – she talks about the importance of taking care of yourself and your health, how she was able to work through her own experience… and shares her experience turning outward and making a difference in the lives of others who need help.


I’m inspired by Cindy and I know you will be too!

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