Did you know we lose about 490 World War II veterans each day?
As each vet passes, not only do we lose them but we also lose the opportunity to learn and share their story. If you’re like me, you might remember hearing a little bit about the G.I. Generation in history class.
The G.I. Generation is identified as the individuals that lived through the Great Depression and experienced the Second World War, and are often also referred to as The Greatest Generation. They grew up through incredible uncertainties; a country in financial ruin and a world driven into chaos as Hitler rose to power.
The Greatest Generation stood strong for their beliefs and fought relentlessly for freedom. They sacrificed on the home front and overseas to defeat axis powers. I’d like to introduce you to one of my heroes, Mary Tollefson. Mary is feisty, funny, five feet tall, 92 years old, and a veteran of the US Military. In 1943, she enlisted in the Women’s Army Corps at a time when technology & the roles of women were changing for the country. One of the many things I love about Mary is that she felt a personal responsibility to protect freedom — and she was determined to follow through. She shared her story with me and I was able to turn into a short documentary (which I’d love for you to check out below).
We lost Mary a few weeks ago, she passed away on October 24th. But, the legacy she left (especially for women like me working in unconventional fields) will live on. Because of the roads she paved, I’m able to have so many more opportunities. What an amazing gift to leave the world!
This Veteran’s Day, let’s be sure to thank and celebrate the veterans in our lives. The sacrifices they’ve made have given us the freedom to pursue our dreams.

Oceanna Colgan
Oceanna Colgan is the Director of Visual Media at Green Shoe Studio. She loves to tell stories through video that inspire and ignite others. Mary: The Wisconsin WAC is one of her favorite projects yet! Connect with Oceanna on Instagram @Oceanna
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