How many times do you ask someone how they are and the response you get is, “Crazy busy, how are you?” Some people wear it as almost a badge because that must mean they are important since so many people and things demand their attention.
STOP! Stop being busy and start being selective.
There are all sorts of reasons to be “crazy busy” but none that I can think of are worthwhile. You see, when you are so busy, even your precious time that you are spending with your family, friends or loved ones doesn’t get the attention and focus they deserve. Even when you take a break, your mind is on the next item or deadline.
Here’s Your Sign
When did the idea get so popular that busy was good? The idea that busy meant productive? We’ve finally debunked the myth that multi-tasking is multi-failure. The truth is you produce far greater results with a singular focus. Being very busy is a sign that you have overscheduled or over committed.
A person can be highly important without being pulled in multiple different directions at all times, just ask Warren Buffett!
Matching Time With Focus
The next time someone asks you to do something and you look at your schedule, take a moment or two before deciding to take it on. Truly ask yourself, not if this will fit in your schedule, but do you have the time to give it single focus for however long it will take to accomplish? Will adding another item to your schedule or “to do” list take away from your single focus of something equally or more important?
I use my value system as a touchstone before taking on new projects or meetings. I ask myself if this fits into my overall focus of how I’m choosing to live my life? Does this further the other causes or goals I have? Will adding this item to my life take away from other valuable time commitments I wish to make either in my mind or in my physical time?
Conscious Scheduling
I know with this method of conscious scheduling I am aligning my actions with my value system and also with a pre-determined focus. This method insures that my time with my loved ones is not spent contemplating anything but my time with them. I also can group similar items together and bundle my efforts such as creating talking points for a speech while writing a blog because of my singular focus.
Just because you are moving doesn’t mean you are moving forward. By doing less with greater focus, one can make a larger impact and reduce stress making down-time more fulfilling.
Elizabeth Miner is a life-long student experienced in taking the road less traveled. She has developed a unique and practical coaching practice based on studying the greats in personal development and combining that knowledge with lessons learned throughout her life.
While quick to tell you she does not have all the answers, she has created a business around her passion for sharing experiences and knowledge which brought her from poverty to running her own business and living life to its fullest. Elizabeth founded Thrive This Day to help individuals working through life transitions through coaching, mentoring and community.
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