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I'm Kelly - the founder of She Is Fierce! and your host on our blog featuring stories and wisdom from fierce women all over the world! 

Fierce Living

Who is the Authentic You?

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Who is the Authentic You?


Self-knowledge is the greatest knowledge that you will ever acquire. Fight to find the time and energy to explore your strengths and interests. Be adventurous and look for the opportunities that will connect you to your most powerful and instinctive self. Not the self that others demand of you, but the self you always wanted to be. If you want extraordinary results from your endeavors, you’ll need to authentically express your unique qualities.

The more you implement your strengths, values, and desires into your days, the happier your life will become. Often the people who are the most effective and successful are those who have managed to align their life purpose with their work aims. Where this happens, stamina and perseverance fuse to create the ability to go above and beyond, achieving incredible results. You want the people in your industry to feel the power of your commitment, and be attracted to invest in you as the result.


Consider these six key questions to help explore your connection with your authentic self:


What would you choose to do if you had absolutely no limits?

You have at your personal disposal one billion in cash. How do you spend it? Buy a house or three? Give some money to family and charities? Then what would you do? Then what would you want to achieve? Then who would you want to be? Your answers are what you truly want from life.


Do you spend too much time focused on your perceived weaknesses?

This may go against some of the rules you were taught about weakness – but I’d recommend you occasionally take a holiday from improving yourself. And while you’re on this holiday, celebrate and develop everything you’re innately good at and get right.


What’s your growth plan?

Have a long term strategic personal growth plan to help you reach your maximum potential. The plan should highlight all the things you do well, and map out how you want to progress even further in these areas.


Do you regularly tune out the voice of the world?

Living your life purpose can sometimes mean going against the advice of close friends and family. Take that leap of faith when it’s important, and put complete trust in the guidance of your inner voice. Make the strongest voice in your life your own.


Are you willing to step out of your comfort zone?

Destiny can’t help you get to where you need to be, unless you find the courage to make the big scary decisions that are potentially disastrous – but which could take your life and career to the next level of fulfillment.


Who inspires you?

Which personalities are your greatest inspirations, and what are the qualities that you admire most about these people? How can you emulate these qualities in your own life?


Your powerful inner guidance system is always there for you when you create the space and quiet to hear its truth telling whispers. Switch off your logic, and listen carefully and deeply. Connect to the underlying passions that make you tick. Know that you wouldn’t have an inner desire – if you didn’t also have the ability to fulfil it.


Eki Maria, She is Fierce! Contributor

Eki Maria

Eki Maria is proud to be the Founder and Director of Gold Artistes Collective, a London based talent agency. She’s an avid Lifestyle & Arts Columnist, and alongside this writes on how to stay motivated, alert and alive in today’s fast moving, high tech world.

She’s on a mission to do everything she can to help fellow humans Live Happy and Simple, in every moment, and believes true happiness grows from nurturing and balancing your inner life. An advocate of Love Above All, she seeks to guide people in the business and arts communities towards truly living from the heart.

  1. Farah says:

    Great message here! Love it and definitely have to share!

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