We all know there are certain qualities that every new business should have in order to become successful, such as expertise and access to funding. I had looked at this business plan guide and template to explore further into how different business owners were looking into funding for their companies. Success means something different to different people. Success could mean anything from the number of employees to a high revenue that ensures the sustainability and growth of the business.
Although the above is completely factual, there is one thing that no business can go without. This must-have is a special coding program every entrepreneur should download into his or her internal, subconscious computer. Very successful and self-made millionaires like Brian Tracy, T. Harv Eker, John Assaraf, Bob Proctor, Jack Canfield, and others all share one common message about success: The foundation of success can be developed by the power of the mind that creates and runs the business. And that is not at the technical level, but at the level of the subconscious.
John Assaraf, a serial entrepreneur, brain researcher, and CEO of NeuroGym, explains: “From a neurological perspective, whatever you believe, you will think, feel and act in accordance with that belief and more importantly you make those beliefs real in your life and in your world. Why? Because the brain is conditioned to make sure that your outside world of results match with your internal map of reality. So if you secretly believe that you are not able, you don’t deserve it or you don’t know how, even if you have the desire, your underlying beliefs will drive the actions that you take or don’t take. Even if you use willpower and try really hard, these beliefs will pull you back, like a thermometer in a room that has a temperature setting, whatever your financial thermostat is, coupled with beliefs, will make sure that these beliefs and that thermostat always keeps your income level into what you used to earn”.
Bob Proctor, author, coach and entrepreneur, in The 11 Forgotten Laws, reminds us that “money is not just a physical entity, a piece of paper or a coin, but a form of energy that flows. It is an energy that manifests in trust and expectation.” So, the secret to attract this energy is to understand the law of prosperity – what blocks its way and what accelerates its flow.
So here, I have gathered a summary of what these gurus have shared with the world about what could create a fundamental shift in our subconscious mind and work as a magnet to attract prosperity and success:
1. Say yes to prosperity and think positive thoughts about money
Focus on what you have, versus what you lack. Visualize it growing, and flowing in and out of your bank account with ease. Feel excited about creating and spending money, including paying your bills. If you feel that it is hard for you to express such attitude towards money, then it means you still hold some limiting beliefs about it and you need to work on yourself.
2. Match your vibration to the vibration of money
Raise your vibration so that you could become a vibrational match to abundance. Focus only on positive thoughts and symbols of abundance, speak positively from the heart and never get into the low vibration of thoughts of hatred, jealousy or lack; otherwise, our thoughts will program our subconscious mind, and they will materialize into negative manifestations.
3. Money should flow in and out
Money needs to flow in and out like other forms of energy. Give money away to charities, people that seek help and for charitable causes. Rest assured that such money will be returned to you tenfold. This is the universal law of giving. You need to give in order to receive.
4. Be patient
Give yourself time to become abundant and enjoy the process. If you continue worrying about not having enough money, money will flow into your life very slowly. You should have complete faith that money is flowing into your life now, even if there is no evidence of it as yet. Try to ignore the absence of money and put all your energy into having faith that the money is coming – and it will come.
5. Visualize
Create an exciting and clear mental picture of what you would be doing if you achieve your goal. When you combine a verbal command with an image, your subconscious mind will work on it faster
6. Verbalize
Say exactly what you want to have, do or be. Be specific and clear about what you want to manifest. Your subconscious mind will only go to work when you give clear and detailed instructions. In other words, you need to say that you need to earn a specific amount of money by a certain date. Your subconscious mind will see a dissidence and conflict between your current reality and what you want, and then goes to work to make your new command consistent with your new reality.
7. Emotionalize
You must see that you are abundant and visualize the money growing and multiplying in the books and in the bank. Give thanks beforehand for the manifestation of prosperity. Believe and feel the joy of having the money. Feel the emotions of what you would do if you achieved your goal.
8. Create a culture of abundance at the workplace
Make sure you are on the same page with people who work for you and with you. You cannot achieve this alone. The people who surround you should believe in what you believe and practice it with you. By doing this, the result will be short of phenomenal and the manifestation will happen much faster.
It is crucial for the business to believe in and work with the law of prosperity. The staff should be trained to believe in the business and the law, and practice it daily as part of their daily routines. When they do, the energy of their thoughts will generate the vibration of success and will send it to the universe to receive the same kind of frequency back to the business.
Start practicing this affirmation by Bob Proctor everyday, and believe and feel that it is true:
“I am so happy and grateful that money comes to me in increasing quantity through multiple sources on a continuous basis.”
Azita Alavi is a communication professional and a freelance evaluator and translator. She believes women have all it takes to be successful, if they know how to tap into the power within.
Azita’s calling and life mission is to help women who want to be empowered and succeed in all aspects of life and she wants to share what she knows and learns with those who are passionate and want to live the life of their dreams.
Contact Azita…
www.hersacredsanctuary.com, on twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram and Facebook!
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