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5 Takeaways From Emma Watson’s #HeforShe Livestream

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Emma Watson #HeforShe

In honor of International Women’s Day on March 8, UN Goodwill Ambassador Emma Watson took to social media in a Facebook Livestream Q&A regarding gender equality and her moment, #HeForShe.

Topics discussed ranged from equal pay to chivalry, all while giving real world tips and tricks for universal women empowerment and an end to sexism. Here are some of the most important and inspiring points Watson mentioned:

1. Women must support other women!

As she says in her Q&A, “it’s awkward to acknowledge that there is a problem, but we have to admit that [women] are complicit. Some of the harshest criticisms or hardest moments I’ve had, have been from other women. It’s not enough to just as men to support us, we really need to support each other.” If women do not support each other, it only gives males reason not to support us either. We are all in this together!

2. It is okay for males to be feminists too!

The word feminist can be a scary word, but by definition it means a person who believes in equal rights between men and women. Watson offered male rules for being a feminist, giving advice such as letting women take the bill sometimes or making sure that women in your business/workplace are paid equal to you.

3. Ignoring gender stereotypes is key!

There are many stereotypes in the world telling women who and what they should be. But as Watson said in her interview, “Don’t let anyone tell you what you can and can’t do or achieve. Do what you want to do and be who you want to be.”

4. Equal pay in the workplace should be a priority!

Women are still paid 78 cents for every dollar a man makes. This is a problem that not only government and lawmakers are in charge of fixing. “If you know that a woman is doing the same work as you are and that she’s being paid less, say something about it,” Watson said. “If you’re a manager, ask the question of whether women are being paid the same. Please just look at your figures honestly, and ask whether you’re paying men and women the same for the same work.”

5. We need female leadership!

As of now, there are more men named John running large companies than there are all of women. “We need yin and yang. We need that balance. We need female representation. We need female leadership,” Watson said in her Q&A. Female leadership is important not only for this generation but as a model for future generations to come.


Watch the full video here:

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