If we all could share our true gifts, our passions, our life journey, our dark nights, our struggles and use our individual lives as a way we to teach collectively the masses, the new generations and all of humanity would be able to find love, peace, health, healing and the ability to fall back on faith and just be. Be the gorgeous souls we were all put here to be. We all are one. No matter what you believe in. Humans, humankind has the ability to be tremendously powerful. We have the ability to not let anything stand in our way.
Think about it for a second, if we could come together as a whole, spread each of our individual light, using all of our lives as lessons – we could together create so much light that the path for the world would be brighter. Where there was darkness, there could be the one or two (or more) lanterns to shed light.[pullquote width=”300″ float=”left”]”I believe in the goodness of the human heart.” -Barbara Brown Taylor.[/pullquote]We must stop competing against each other, waging wars, using weapons, crushing anything and anyone in our way to the top. Our souls were all put here on this planet to co-exist in our physical bodies. The world is aching, crumbling, wars being waged, diseases being spread, starvation and economic destruction, scarcity and poverty running rampant, politicians and leaders so adamant in one-sided agendas, using media to attack the opposition and corrupt “under the table” deals occurring daily, violence, depression, obesity heightened…need I go on?
The world is ready for massive healing, massive transformation and a collective awakening. With all that is constantly happening throughout the world, there is no doubt about it – the world needs to step up and turn to love. We have the ability to come together, take action, turn to love and put down all of our armor. We need a shift. We need to support one another rather than destroy one another. Community is something that should not be taken lightly. We must choose our thoughts, our daily actions and choose to not let fear stand in the way.
The time is now. Today. Right now. We can choose to support each other rather than tear each other down or ignore each other. We can change our mindset from just being out for ourselves. Let’s support the brothers and sisters all over the world.
There are over 7 Billion people in this world, more being born each and every day. That is a lot of life, a lot of lessons, a lot of talent, a lot of gifts and a lot of LIGHT.
I invite you to stand up.
I have been on my journey for 29 years now. I’ve seen quite a lot already in my life. I’ve struggled and I’ve also thrived. At my lowest I was earning $18,000 and my highest I was earning $65,000 (both pre-tax). I’ve been fired, laid off and unemployed. To note, I have my MBA. I want to note here that I am aware that my struggles are nothing compared to some of what others in the world are and have experienced and I am very grateful for my life, my overall health and always having shelter, clean water and something to eat. Bottom line, I have always survived. [pullquote width=”300″ float=”left”]The time is now. Today. Right now. We can choose to support each other rather than tear each other down or ignore each other.[/pullquote]I’m not telling you these numbers to make you sympathize, be jealous or for you to judge me – I’m sharing them to be transparent with my personal journey. I don’t believe we can ever truly compare our struggle, our hardships with another. Everyone is different and what one person’s rock bottom might be might be a luxury of success to another. However, at the base of it all, we all are human and we will nonetheless see our own bottoms and our own highs.
I’ve been an entrepreneur for the past four years now. Just like the world, entrepreneurs need to step up and support one another. It breaks my heart to see how many talented, hungry, passionate humans are out there in the world trying to do what they love with a lot of struggle, a lot of feeling completely unheard, ignored…This is a very vast arena, this industry of personal development, health coaching, business coaching, healing and beyond. It seems like everyone wants a chance to step into the ring and be the entrepreneur, to work for themselves. We all know the statistics, most likely in the first year new businesses tend to fail. The economy is in a crisis, jobs a scarcity, unemployment running rampant.
Some scary but very real statistics for you:
The estimation is that almost half the world — over three billion people — live on less than $2.50 a day (World Bank Indicators 2008)
Nearly a billion people entered the 21st century unable to read a book or sign their names. (The State of the World’s Children, 1999, UNICEF)
Number of children in the world: 2.2 billion + Number in poverty: 1 billion (every second child) (State of the World’s Children, 2005, UNICEF)
I want to be able to play some small role in the global awakening, the healing, the conscious shift that the world desperately needs. I want to turn to love and to community. I am completely grateful for the community I have had with me throughout my journey and I want to expand this to the world. I believe that we can support each other and come together and spread LIGHT and love. [pullquote width=”300″ float=”left”] Today is the day to stop hiding, to stop competing, to stop letting fears get in the way. To stop thinking that no one cares or no one is reading, watching, listening or supporting you.[/pullquote]We all have something major to offer, to share, wisdom nuggets that we’ve learned through our own personal life experiences. This is why all of our individual lives, struggles and successes are so valuable no matter how they show up, big, small. I believe that our lives are our greatest teachers. If you’ve seen any bit of struggle, failures know that this is so you can share that experience with the world. Like I mentioned, no two struggles or failures are alike. This is not the moment to judge or compare. Whatever your personal struggle, your personal rock bottom entailed it taught you something on a personal level so you could take that and share with another. You went through that to learn, grow and shed light for others that are a few steps behind you.
I believe wholeheartedly that we all were put on this planet to be a light for someone. We all have a gift, we all have a purpose and we all have something we can teach. Today is the day to stop hiding, to stop competing, to stop letting fears get in the way. To stop thinking that no one cares or no one is reading, watching, listening or supporting you. The amount of clients you have, the number of “likes” you get, the number of subscribers, the number of lives you’ve touched, the number in your bank account, the number of hits your website gets…that does not matter. What matters is you are actively sharing your voice, your gift, your lessons. You never know who you might touch, who you might reach at the perfect time.
As Brendon Burchard wrote it in “Millionaire Messenger,” “Even when you don’t know you’re making a difference, you are.”
I’ve been hiding out because I never thought as just one person I could do much on a global scale. I’ve let fear and my story of not being good enough, not being worthy to hold me back. I’m choosing to release that today. I am through holding back and playing small.
Your dreams have no boundaries, failures be damned, failure is my fuel, life my greatest teacher.
Ashley Taylor Yannello is a SOUL + Spirit Guide + Celebration Coach™. She is here to not only teach how to feel safe in being yourself and letting go of all worry and fear but to teach you how to tap into your soul, your essence, the true meaning of why you are here on this Earth in this physical body. Ashley wants to help you to set your soul on fire. Find your soul, find your light, find your beauty, find your passion, feel beautiful inside and out and feel empowered and strong and confident and safe in letting your soul shine and living a FULL joyous life. Life is our chance to shine, sparkle and play. Let’s celebrate! She is also the Creator + Founder of The Soul Sister Society™ (http://www.thesoulsistersociety.com) and the Curator + Hostess of Shine Your Soul™ Retreats. Graduated with her Masters in Business and certified as a Wellness Coach with the Institute for Integrative Nutrition along with being a Reiki Healer. Features include Lucky Magazine Online, Mind Body Green, Wild Sister, Cafe Truth, Conscious Divas, Your Bella Life and more.
Ashley wants to provide you with a space to share your service, your gift, your passion. I am cultivating something for you to get HEARD + seen. Get in touch with her! She’s calling all #entrepreneurs, #coaches, #healers and beyond!
Meet Ashley here… http://www.ashleytayloryannello.com
Image courtesy Flickr
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