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I'm Kelly - the founder of She Is Fierce! and your host on our blog featuring stories and wisdom from fierce women all over the world! 

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#56: Sailing to Success with Monica Kalsnes-Magee

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Embracing Change and Charting New Courses
We are thrilled to bring you the extraordinary, exciting, and bold story of Monica Kalsnes-Magee. This daring entrepreneur left no stone unturned, selling her house and most of her possessions to embark on a bold new venture—sailing to the Bahamas and altering her career path to work remotely from the gentle rocking of her boat.
Monica transformed the seemingly audacious dream into a thrilling reality, and her story serves to inspire anyone willing to reinvent their comfort zones and embrace the lure of uncharted waters.
Staying Afloat Amid Uncharted Waters and Stress
Being a novice boater didn’t deter Monica and her husband from taking the plunge. Monica shares the valuable life lessons she learned as she transitioned from a successful business owner to a seafaring remote worker.
In this podcast, you’ll learn:
    • Charting New Courses: Monica reveals how she dared to trade her successful business pursuits for a life at sea, stepping outside her comfort zone and launching bravely into the unknown.
    • Negotiating with Stress and Change: Delve into Monica’s treasure trove of strategies for managing stress and embracing change—the twin challenges she encountered while transitioning from her past life to her seafaring adventure.
    • Steering through Unchartered Waters: Hear about Monica’s experience boating to the Bahamas and understand her perspective on tackling unfamiliar situations head-on, showing resilience in every wave and learning valuable lessons in each tide.




On our Five-Star-Rated podcast, you’ll hear the inspiring stories of fierce women who have overcome challenges and built purpose-filled lives. Over the coming months, we’ll be sharing interviews with some of my absolute favorite past She Is Fierce! Speakers and our incredible members. Kelly will also be dropping in for some solo episodes to answer some of the questions she gets asked regularly about how to grow a powerful brand, how to build a mission-driven business from scratch, and how to find joy in the journey. Tune in, rate and review the podcast, and let us know who you would love to see us feature in the future!

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