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I'm Kelly - the founder of She Is Fierce! and your host on our blog featuring stories and wisdom from fierce women all over the world! 


#37 – Refocusing on Your Health with Dr. Elizabeth Looney Di

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“We know statistically and data wise, women’s health needs tend to get ignored… The first thing if you are thinking of how to take care of your physical body is to listen to it and don’t write off your concerns as “I’m just a busy mom”

On this podcast, we’re talking all about health and giving yourself the time to listen to the many signs your body may be tell you.

You’ll meet Dr. Elizabeth Looney Di, a board certified family medicine physician with our local health partners, Flagler Health+.

After receiving her medical degree from the Northeast Ohio Medical University in Rootstown, Ohio, Dr. Looney Di completed her Residency in Family Medicine at Case Western MetroHealth Medical Center in Cleveland, Ohio, where she was Education Co-Chief, centering pregnancy leader, and adjunct course instructor.

During our conversation, Dr. Looney Di shares why ‘the body is a great megaphone’ for our emotions and how stress, anxiety and depression can manifest with physical symptoms.

If you’ve been struggling with balancing life and listening your body – you will love this conversation and walk away with real takeaways.

In this podcast you’ll learn:
  • The value of taking care of your body so you can continue to take care of others
  • How to adapt to different lifestyles and continue working toward wellness
  • How to align your career with a healthy lifestyle
  • The power of delegating!

Want to learn more?

Check out this article on a topics Dr. Looney Di is passionate about…   The 5 Mammogram Myths: What You Should Know.

Ready to jump in?

On our Five-Star-Rated podcast, you’ll hear the inspiring stories of fierce women who have overcome challenges and built purpose-filled lives. Over the coming months, we’ll be sharing interviews with some of my absolute favorite past She Is Fierce! Speakers and our incredible members. Kelly will also be dropping in for some solo episodes to answer some of the questions she gets asked regularly about how to grow a powerful brand, how to build a mission-driven business from scratch, and how to find joy in the journey. Tune in, rate and review the podcast, and let us know who you would love to see us feature in the future!

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