Dawn Falcone is an Expert Mentor in the She Is Fierce! Membership community!
This January, she shared an challenge with our members on how to organize and find peace in your home office… clearing the clutter, creating systems and finding a space that brings you joy!
Get a sneak peek at our intro video with Dawn below!
Watch a video interview with Dawn here…
When did you first learn about that organization could be turned into a career? What called you to it?
I’ve always had a love for organizing things even as a kid. My mom was a bit messy (chronically disorganized) so I spent many a rainy Saturday organizing her closet or the kitchen cabinets. It was good practice!
I didn’t realize it was an actually a business until a friend pointed it out to me. I would help set up newly married friends homes as a gift. I had no idea you could get paid for the service. My mind was blown the first time I saw the show Mission Organization. My reaction was, “I can sooooo do that!”
What led you to launch your business and become The Chaos Liberator?
I’ve been in business in NYC for 10 years. I began branching out into the world of virtual organizing at the start of 2016. I LOVE helping women clear clutter all over the globe.
My son was the driving factor in me launching my biz 10 years ago. He’s also the reason I decided to start working virtually last year. I wanted to spend more time with him and meet him at the bus when he got home from school.
I became The Chaos Liberator a few years ago. I was tired of just referring to myself as just a professional organizer when what I do with my clients goes so much deeper than just the physical stuff. The Chaos Liberator came up after brainstorming with a friend. I immediately loved it because it all encompassing, powerful and freeing.
Why do you believe that organization is such a necessity in every space?
What’s your number one tip for keeping some peace in your personal and professional spaces? I know firsthand how clearing clutter can change lives. Clutter is stuck energy after all, so once you move through that and get organized, things can truly shift in your life.
You’ve got to have a maintenance plan in place to keep your space organized. I wish there were magical fairy elves who could perform this task for us, but until someone invents that set a day/time weekly or bi-weekly to deal with things like mail & paper, your desk area, etc. You don’t need to devote a ton of time and once you do it regularly it will become a habit.
I also think it’s important to look around at the physical stuff surrounding you every once in a while, and ask yourself some questions. Do you like the stuff? Do you use it? Does it work for you and make your life easier? Do you feel guilt or are you keeping something out of obligation (gifts you don’t like from your m-i-l can fall into this category)? If you have things that do not support you and make you feel good, let them go. Or else that stuff will own you over time instead of the other way around.
How has taking the leap and starting your own business changed you?
I think it’s made me more apt to take risks and not play it safe. I was a bit of a control freak before but since starting my biz, I now can go with the flow more. You have to flexible as a business owner. Some ideas will work and be well received and others may flop, but you just have to be consistent and keep going.
What is the biggest overall lesson you learned in running a business and what was the best piece of advice you were ever given?
There is no one way to make it as an entrepreneur. You can follow a guru’s plan for success to a T and may not end up with the same results. The difference is you. You are unique and have your own voice, skills and energy. Learn from the best in the business and then infuse your own authentic self into it. And trust your gut. It will not lead you astray.
How do you find a healthy balance between work and family with such a busy schedule?
This is something I still struggle with sometimes. It’s so tempting to constantly be at your computer working on your biz, especially if you work from home. There are certain times when your business will demand more of you like when you’re launching a program, but I started time batching in 2016 and that’s made a difference.
Time batching is grouping together similar tasks that require similar resources to maximize concentration and function. So instead of checking emails whenever throughout the day, you set blocks of time (1 hr at start and 1 hour at end of the day) to solely focus on that. I’ve become a better time manager because of it, which in turn means I’m on my computer less, which means more family time.
I also set some self imposed computer restrictions that have helped shift the balance more towards my family. No computer between 3-6pm weekdays. When my son gets home from school, my focus can be on him. No computer at least 2 hours before bed. Not only has this helped me sleep better, but now that time is more about reconnecting with my husband instead of working on my biz or Facebook surfing (this girl loves to surf!)
What does success mean to you?
Success to me is being able to make a difference is someone’s life, from my wonderful clients to my son and family.
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