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3 Ways to Lose Weight After Pregnancy

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Seeing the amount of weight that you have put on after a pregnancy can be pretty discouraging. Let’s be honest, losing weight after pregnancy can be difficult. This is not necessarily because of the amount of weight, but because you will be busy with a new baby! This can obviously produce a number of obstacles that stand in the way of losing that weight. Losing that weight will take time so don’t get discouraged. This article will highlight 3 ways to lose weight after a pregnancy.


1. Relaxed Walks and Runs With the Stroller

Although you won’t feel the best right after having a baby, you can still exercise a little bit. After you get home from the hospital, you can try to take some relaxed walks. These walks should last for something like 15 minutes or so. Just getting up on your feet and moving around will be good for you. After you are healed and are feeling better you can ramp this workout up to longer walks and eventually runs. Once you feel up to it you can begin taking your baby with you in the stroller. This is an excellent way to get exercise because it does not reduce the time that you get to spend with your baby. Plus, you get to show your baby more of the outside world! Gradually work your way up from a walk to a run to constantly challenge yourself. This workout will be fun and effective.

2. Make Healthy Eating Choices

Making healthy eating choices does not necessarily need to come in the form of a full blown diet. A good way to ensure that you are eating healthy is to add a lot of ‘superfoods’ to your daily meals. These can also be incredibly beneficial for your baby if you are breastfeeding. One of these so called superfoods is fish. Fish contains a very high level of DHA which is an essential omega-3 fatty acid that will help in the development of your newborn’s central nervous system. Loading up on foods with a high level of protein can also help with weight loss and with supplying the necessary nutrients to your newborn. Lean meats and chicken breast are very high in protein. Beans can also pack quite a bit of protein as well as fiber. Other foods such as milk and yogurt are also incredibly nourishing. These can supply you with calcium which can help you and your newborn form or maintain healthy bones. By making smart eating choices by loading your plate up with foods like those listed above, you will feel better and fuller for longer. These foods will also give you the energy that you need to engage in the exercise necessary for weight loss. It is important to try and resist cravings for unnecessary snacks and sweets. These ‘superfoods’ will assist you in successfully resisting those desires.


3. Try and Relax your Mind

Having a baby, especially if it’s your first, can be a very stressful ordeal. When our bodies are stressed, they will release cortisol and adrenaline which, if released because of emotions instead of a physical threat, can build up and cause a number of negative effects. Along with fatigue and grumpiness, this buildup can cause weight gain. These hormones can make you crave junk food and those cravings can be very hard to resist. Relaxing can take a number of forms and is largely a subjective activity. Do whatever you think will relax you the most. Go outside, exercise, or read. You know you best, so do what you think will do the job.


Having a baby is an exciting time and these 3 steps should help you enjoy this time more. By getting the right amount of exercise, eating right, and relaxing your mind, you will be able to start losing that baby weight. Don’t rush yourself, this will take time and patience but if you stick to it, you will have your figure back before you know it.


gracy-liuraGracy Liura, a dedicated and qualified nutritionist with over six years of experience in the Indian food industry, currently blogging at She has done MSc Degree in Human Nutrition at Chinmaya degree College(BHEL) in Haridwar, Uttarakhand. You can reach her anytime if you have any questions regarding this guest post.



  1. Jessica Marques says:

    Breastfeeding helps the weight drop off, so take advantage of not having to exercise until you stop breastfeeding. I have dropped my pp weight by doing so while bfing my baby.

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