Trying to buckle down and get a better grip on our productivity, finances, and schedules? Thanks to these apps, things seem like they could be a little more manageable.
Here are five apps we have found to get you moving in the right direction…

You know that new work habit you’ve repeatedly put off trying to master? Well, now you have a monetary incentive to get moving on it! To begin this make or break habit app, 21Habit requires you to hash out $21 dollars, and for each day you succeed with your respective new habit, you’ll get one dollar back! However, if you miss a day, you’ll lose a dollar, and if the habit-making falls to the way-side, all of the money will be given to charity. Sustained productivity always seems to be best executed with a little incentive!
Download 21habit in the Google Play store here.
Download 21habit from iTunes here.

If you find yourself continually frustrated by your scattered work station, give Evernote a try. The app brings all of your work to one place and syncs between all of your devices so that you can access it wherever you want! No more excuses for not having your work with you or not knowing where it is.
Download Evernote from iTunes here.
Download Evernote from the Google Play store here.

Wunderlist, the to-do list app of all to-do list apps! You have finally found it. Organize it, task it, prioritize it, set a reminder or due date, make a list, AND share it all with friends or colleagues! To top it all off, it links up with Google Calendar and Evernote, two other handy resources to help you maximize your productivity. Do it all with Wunderlist.
Download Wunderlist on iTunes now.
Go to Wunderlist’s site.

The iPhone note app always seems to be a good in-the-moment go-to for note-taking, but after a few hours, or days even, it’s hard trying to find those small, important bits of information you had quickly jotted down. Luckily, now there’s a different app that helps you more efficiently sort back through those important (and undoubtedly cryptic) messages you write yourself throughout the day: Letterspace. With the usage of the #hashtag and @mention, Letterspace indexes and organizes your notes based on the symbols, making it much easier to find the information you are looking for.
Download Letterspace from iTunes.

Alright, so now you are probably thinking that this list has covered all the main bits possible in a productivity app — you’re wrong! Zippy dives into the nuts and bolts of your productivity. With some pretty graphics, the app charts out how often and when you succeed with the tasks you had previously set for yourself, giving you deeper insight as to how you might better tackle your responsibilities. Additionally, it breaks down what time of the day you’re most productive, which tasks you repeatedly snooze, and how far ahead of time you complete things. It’s time to finally face the cold hard facts and see what you are good at and when!
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