The advice that hit home with me when I started to acknowledge how much my body needed to be taken care of is that you have to have a plan.
Having a plan was the outward sign that I was going to be taking control and moving towards my goal of being healthier.
Having the clarity and control of a ‘plan’ led me into a state of freedom. By following a workout schedule or sticking to a diet program, I felt in control and knowing I’d put the effort into doing it right made me feel empowered.
My empowerment was fueled by discipline, motivation and perseverance. It came from an anxious heart looking for change.
It powered me through hard times and tough days.
But what if I was mistaken and I actually wasn’t in control but being controlled?
As we age we gain independence and despite fearing the future we often jump into the unknown. From high school into college, then into a career, a relationship and then perhaps into a mid-life complete turn.
We like to think we are in control, but rarely is that the case. All these changes force us to give up some control, they leave us vulnerable to what lies ahead of us. It is easy to stick with a routine because it is comfortable and safe.
It is easy to stick with your diet or fitness routine for the same reason. When I decided to enter my health and fitness journey I was happy with my plan, it was working. I set a goal and I achieved it but then I had to deal with the fear of the unknown.
Throughout my fitness journey, I had been able to control my food, my movement and my thoughts – now I didn’t have to anymore. I could release that control.
It was hard.
I didn’t have to follow a plan anymore but I constantly felt controlled.
Controlled by my fears, by the results of being more spontaneous, by having to make more intuitive choices, by not disappointing myself.
We are dependent on too many things. We are dependent on studies claiming they’ve discovered the perfect diet and on other people sharing what they say is the secret to their perfect body. We are dependent on finding our own fitness motivation.
We reach adulthood and are given an opportunity to be independent, to figure what we want to do in life. We are set free.
Becoming health and fitness independent means living on my terms, taking it slow but also taking those scary leaps. I am becoming independent by not allowing myself to be influenced, to be scared or be controlled.
This is how you can win back your independence:
1. Find Your Intrinsic Motivation
They say that motivation is what gets you started but it can keep you going if it comes from within because that is called love. It is that simple, I found love in the foods that I was eating and the exercises that I was doing. It was the reason that kept me going and that was a sign that I was responding to my needs. Finding your inner force makes you independent to the need to find external validation.
2. Listen To All, Obey To None
Sometimes you need a little exploration, sometimes you need to try different diets and see how your body responds. My body has taught me more about food than any expert. Other times you may fall for the newest type of exercise. It isn’t wrong to jump from one place to another; on the contrary, that is what I needed to find the balance in this new stage of my life. If the plan you follow is the result of finding what works for you then you are running into independence territory.
3. Always Prioritize Happiness
We think health equals happiness until it turns to hate. Whether that is because you feel forced to exercise or you are obsessed with it, health becomes hate. Being independent means not relying on the messages that make you feel ashamed for not being stricter with your diet. I chose health to be able to enjoy life and because I understand that health can lead to happiness you don’t let your search for health to overpower the other areas of your life.
Independence is what most people on this planet strive for. Everyone wants to do their own thing and we live in a world where that is possible. When the food you eat is dependent on a diet or the way you feel about your body is dependent on an image in the media, you are not doing your own thing.
To be healthy and happy, I always remember I have to be me, the independent me. I know that my health is important and that I am strong enough to keep going.
It’s your turn!
-In what ways are you independent?
-What is your main motivation?

Elsie Goycoolea
Elsie Goycoolea is a Spanish born, Ashford University student pursuing a B.A. in Journalism and Mass Communications. She is a healthy lifestyle advocate and she currently combines her studies with writing on her personal blog: Sharing Healthiness. She believes in individual wellness and finding your “happy health”. She aims to inspire and convince others how this lifestyle can bring joy, freedom and self-growth. Your health is yours and yours only, so make it be happy.
Connect with Elsie…, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook
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