The Make It Fair project recently released their satirical PSA, calling attention to the gender imbalance plaguing Hollywood. In the video, a group of women- including actresses Rita Wilson and Mamie Gummer- share the alarming truths of male dominance in the film industry with tongue in cheek statistics such as, “In the past few years, only 93% of popular films were directed by men and only 80% were written by them.” The women continue, stating, “Sadly, only 70% of speaking roles in film are given to men, and in 2014, only 88% of box office hits featured a man in the leading role.” The video also mentions the lack of gender equality in politics and business, as well as the fact that “Women make up almost 60% of college graduates, but men only get paid 30% more.”
This cleverly written satire even ends with a song, as they women sing, “We stand here together, and together we’ll break down this wall. We won’t relent ’til its 100%, it’s only fair that men should have it all.”
Make It Fair uses humor and satire to illustrate just how imbalanced our society is when it comes to gender. On their website, the Make It Fair project explains, “#makeitfair is a call for gender equality in the stories we tell, the wages we earn, and the future we shape.”
Watch the video below, and learn more at Make sure to use the hashtag, #makeitfair, to to raise awareness for this important issue!
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