Modern Women – that means, you, me and all the other ladies alive in modern society – are trying to be everything to everyone, and our health is suffering more than ever before.
As a gender, we’re finally empowering ourselves through our careers, but at the same time, we’re attempting to be perfect partners, mothers, daughters, sisters, aunties, and friends. This isn’t sustainable, and it’s creating an epidemic of women who are simply surviving, when they should be thriving. An epidemic of women who can’t enjoy the fullness and success of their lives, because they are just too tired, stressed, and overwhelmed.
Ladies, it’s time for a radical shift in the way we prioritize our own health and well-being. You need to be your number one priority. I am constantly observing the following patterns in women:
- The belief that there is never any time for self-care, solitude, and downtime
- Frustration with, and resentment of their schedules and responsibilities
- Feeling as though it would be selfish of them to go after their dreams
- A sense of feeling eternally rushed
- An inability to say no, even when they know they want to
- A sense that they are ‘just surviving’ their schedules
- A reliance on caffeine, sugar, and alcohol to make it through the day
- An inability to achieve restorative sleep
- Difficulty losing weight
- Chronic PMS, irregular periods, absent periods, and debilitating period pain.
- Other chronic female reproductive issues such as, endometriosis and PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome).
As a Naturopath and Coach, my mission is to create a healthcare revolution for the Modern Woman – that is, YOU. I desperately want women to thrive again, so that we can contribute our full selves to our families, our society, our world! The people around you, need you to be healthy, rested, nourished, and hormonally in balance. They need you to be vibrant, so that you can, in turn, help them.
Truly, you are of no genuine service to others, when you are not being authentic to your own needs.
You will shine brightest and have the greatest impact, when you are tending to your own needs first. And I promise you, no matter what is on your plate, it is possible, and absolutely essential, to tend to your own needs first.
I believe there are 5 things that are going to revolutionize the health of the Modern Woman:
1. Learning the art of saying no.
2. Implementing radical, non-negotiable self-care, on a daily basis.
3. Delegating non-essential tasks.
4. Eating a whole food diet, that supports perfectly balanced hormones.
5. Finding a way to move your body that makes you feel restored.
Please note that diet and exercise, whilst so important, are not the only factors in achieving fantastic health and well-being. Most of us, I believe, know what’s healthy and what’s not. So many amazing, self-aware women already have nourishing eating patterns, and a dedicated exercise routine. The problem typically lies in the fact that we can’t say no, we believe there’s ‘no time for downtime’, and that we try to do everything for everyone. The effect that this has on our biochemistry, on our stress and reproductive hormones, is huge, and I believe it’s the basis of so many health problems, for women everywhere.
These 5 principles are the cornerstone of my work with women. It takes more than some good fats and organic vegetables to achieve good health. It takes more than one yoga class to feel balanced. Your vitality is directly proportional to how you nourish yourself, on a day-to-day basis. It’s an ongoing commitment to your self-care. It’s about exploring what you need to feel nourished, and making those rituals a priority, in your daily life. It’s about changing your perception around what’s most important. It truly is about filling your own cup first, then allowing it to spill over to others.
I’ve implemented these principles in my own world, and completely changed my experience of life. A sense of hopelessness has been replaced by a sense of well-being; knowing that excellent health is always available to me, when I choose to have my own needs met, on every level. It’s such a privilege to share this message, and help shift women into a new way of thinking about their health and their lives.
I truly hope that if these words resonated with you, you’ll begin to look at where you need to nourish yourself more, and seek the guidance you need to move into a new level of health and well-being. Vitality is always available to you, just on the other side of committed self-care.
Beth Bridges is a Naturopath and Coach based in Sydney who works 1:1 with women to help them banish feelings of being overwhelmed, balance hormones, and introduce an attitude of radical self-care into their every day. She believes that nourishing oneself is the basis of success in every area of life, and that in the frantic pace of modern society, women must prioritize their own health and well-being, in order to thrive.
Beth uses a combination of naturopathic principles, nutrition and herbal medicine, and sustainable lifestyle changes to guide women back to wellness; whilst at the same time offering a very unique perspective on life that encourages women to define their purpose, and go for it! Her naturopathic consults and coaching programs are designed to help modern women establish a sense of ease, grace, and vitality in every area of their lives.
Meet Beth here… or on Facebook, Instagram or via email
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