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4 Ways Women Can Thrive In A Male-Dominated Workplace

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4 Ways Women Can Thrive In A Male-Dominated Workplace


According to the U.S Department of Labor, almost 47 percent of the U.S labor force are women. And more than 39 percent of these women serve in capacities that contribute to three-quarters of the workforce.

With women occupying such a central stage in the corporate world it is imperative that they have a can-do attitude and are able to make their way up the corporate ladder.

However, this doesn’t change the basic reality that women have been substantially outnumbered by their male counterparts. This makes it absolutely essential that women play their part in advancing their careers and establish a unique identity in a male-dominated workplace! Here are some ways career-oriented women can do so:

Get Yourself Heard

Having confidence in what you have to say helps you project your opinion in a more palatable manner.

Speak up with confidence. According to a study published in Harvard Business Review in 2014, women were found to be less vocal during meetings than men. Of those women, who spoke up, they had an apologetic tone and were easily interrupted. This establishes the speaker as powerless or insecure. Inculcate a sense of assertiveness in the way you talk.

Make sure that your opinion is not only heard but also respected on all forums for you to gain the needed exposure to excel in your career.

Embrace Your Feminity With Pride

Women often try to imitate men in their mannerisms to get recognized in the workplace.  However, little do they realize that they have their own unique personalities that exude compassion. Great deals for women are available online to help them dress confidently, after all you feel good when you look good.

Being yourself will help you acquire your place in the corporate landscape. After all women tend to be active listeners, have superior analytical and problem-solving skills and are definitely different from men in many aspects.

Challenge Traditional Gender Roles

Often the basic difference that differentiates men and women are their behavioral choices and not their gender in specific.

Masculine traits establish the authority and aggressiveness of men over women. Women who are observed to depict self-monitoring behavior got 1.5 times more promotions than men with similar qualities as shown by study conducted by the Stanford Business School.

As aforesaid, every woman should be comfortable in their own skin and should in no way sacrifice their feminity, as challenging gender roles entails proving yourself worthy of professional success. This could be as simple as mustering the confidence to ask for a pay raise and accepting credit for your work.

Your Take On The Role Of Women In The Workplace

Your body language speaks volumes about your beliefs in the power of women in the workplace and the impact they can have on the business. If you have a firm conviction on the fact that women are equally capable to succeed in their careers as men are, their communication styles and decision-making ability will automatically reflect that. 

This internalized belief will propel you to distinguish yourself and prove your mettle as a successful businesswoman against all odds. You’ve just got to believe in yourself and flaunt that suit with confidence.


Kasey Rodriguez

Kasey Rodriguez is a passionate health and lifestyle blogger who loves to write about prevailing trends. She is a featured author at various authoritative blogs in the health, fitness and lifestyle industry. 

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