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I'm Kelly - the founder of She Is Fierce! and your host on our blog featuring stories and wisdom from fierce women all over the world! 


#20: Breaking Barriers: A She Is Fierce! Talk with Debbie Powers, Groundbreaking Female Athlete

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Today is a historic day in the United States of America – the 100th Anniversary of Women’s Suffrage.


On this day 100 years ago, some women – not all women – were afforded the right to vote in a country that prides itself on acknowledging the worth of every citizen… but has seen many battles in our relatively short history to help bring that principle to life for ALL.


I think it’s important for us to remember and acknowledge that there are many living people today who can easily remember the day that black and brown women were finally granted the right to vote under the Voting Rights Act of August 6, 1965.


In the spirit of celebrating Groundbreaking Women today in the sports arena… 


As you’ll hear, Debbie Powers has always had a fierce spirit and has followed her heart and her love of basketball and sports since childhood… even as adults encouraged her to become a ‘cheerleader for the boys’ or to act more ‘normal.’


She went on to play college sports BEFORE Title IX, to coach high school and college athletes during the first years of Title IX, and to play in one of the first female professional basketball leagues.


Oh yes – and she is also a mom, a wife, an author and much more.


I hope you will listen to her uplifting story of what a woman can bring to life with passion and determination… but also turn your ear to the recent history she shares.


When I played sports in high school and college almost 20 years ago today, athleticism in women was celebrated… 


We all owe a debt of gratitude to women like Debbie who helped pave the way for young girls today who can follow their hearts – whether they love to play ball, dance, read or build robots!


I hope you enjoy listening to Debbie’s story as much as I did! 


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