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Holistic Living: Understanding Holistic Health

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Have you ever felt like no matter what steps you take to become “healthy”, there seems to be an imbalance or roadblock that keeps you from attaining your goals? Some individuals struggle with weight, diet, exercise or finding a balance between personal relationships and careers goals. Holistic Health is based upon the concept that all of these aspects of your life are not isolated, but instead they are all linked together and should be treated as a “whole”.

Although it is considered a field of “alternative medicine”, living with a holistic mindset simply adds balance to your life and puts emphases on positive relationships, spirituality and career inspiration as opposed to strictly focusing on diet and exercise. [pullquote width=”300″ float=”left”]When examining your health in a holistic way, it is important to think in terms of treating causes rather than symptoms.[/pullquote]Finding balance is an extremely important aspect of holistic living. Striving for balance encourages you to be present in your life and forces you to actively participate in your daily life rather than allowing your days to pass you by.

When examining your health in a holistic way, it is important to think in terms of treating causes rather than symptoms. For example, I have suffered with migraines for most of my life and I previously treated my illness with medication that simply dulled the pain. When I discovered the different aspects of holistic living, and began thinking about the actual reasons behind my migraines, everything changed. I learned to listen to my body by keeping a food and migraine journal.

After carefully tracking my diet, I was able to pinpoint the triggers of my migraines and then simply had to eliminate those triggers. [pullquote width=”300″ float=”left”]This experience has led me down a path where I now address all health, career and relationship challenges with this holistic mindset. [/pullquote]After years of taking medication for migraine relief, I now simply avoid dairy products and processed foods. Now, I am thrilled to say that I am migraine free, and not to mention a few pounds lighter! This experience has led me down a path where I now address all health, career and relationship challenges with this holistic mindset. I examine why I am feeling a certain way, why I might not be feeling successful at work or why I feel a disconnect from certain friends. From these reflections, I am able to be proactive by determining the causes behind my health concerns, rather than having a Band-Aid approach to these challenges.

Working with a Holistic Health Coach is a great way to understand and develop your own Holistic lifestyle. As opposed to working with a nutritionist, life coach or professional mentor, a Health Coach can work with you on all aspects of your life and help you discover the different ways that you can take control of your life and how you can improve your own Holistic Health. This is such an empowering journey, and I hope you embrace it, as I have!



Emily Beatty - She Is Fierce! Contributor

Emily Beatty has a passion for holistic living and healthy cooking. While healing her own health issues, Emily discovered a way of living that left her 20 pounds lighter, full of energy and migraine free. She now runs a successful healthy living blog and is currently working towards becoming a certified Holistic Health Coach.

You can read about Emily’s journey to good health and get access to tons of resources to improve your own health at or find her on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram!

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