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Defining Your Own Recipe for Success

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Defining Your Own Recipe for Success


What does success look like for you? Have you ever stopped to question it?

I hadn’t really until I achieved two major goals recently.

The first goal is living a laptop lifestyle that enables me to live and work from anywhere (I was heading to Bali before I met a pilot, fell in love and ended up in the French Alps-but that’s a different blog post altogether!). The second was even bigger; being mortgage free before I turned 40!

It came up with my coach recently that I hadn’t stopped to celebrate either of them. It was actually more of an anti-climax if anything, and I felt a bit lost afterward. Possibly because I have been free from the treadmill of paid employment since 2013, and I still have that freedom, even though this took it to a new level! I lost my direction for a little while. What I learnt to accept is that it takes time to process achievements; physically, mentally and emotionally.

It wasn’t until I sat down recently when I did take the time to celebrate them, and also reflect on what I’ve achieved so far in life, that I realised that this was my version of success.

It made me realise how we all define success differently, what matters to some people, doesn’t matter much to others. So it is vital we get clear on how we want to live our life, what we want to have in it, the type of work we do, the type of person we want to be, and how we want to feel plays a huge part in that.

So if you still have dreams you want to achieve, look at where you are now and what you need to do in order to make it happen. What is important to you, and what can you let go of?

Are you really where you want to be in life right now? Are you clear about your future direction, or are you drifting a bit and feeling stuck on the hamster wheel?

What is it that needs to change so you can live out your dreams? Or are they long gone and buried underneath the layers of modern day life that are shrouding you? If that’s a yes, we need to talk – always keep sight of your dreams!

So my definition of success comes from being a high achiever on my terms, which includes being a Sony Award Winning Radio Producer, having a Laptop Lifestyle, being mortgage free by 40, having my own Business, falling in love and being loved and living in the French Alps, and last but not least, meeting Morten Harket from the 80’s band A-Ha – oh yes, this is probably the best – it was a childhood dream! How do I know dreams do come true? The evidence is above.

These things may be a million miles away from your definition of success because for a lot of people money indicates success. However, for me, success doesn’t revolve around my earnings.

The amount of money I earn has never been a motivator for me, it’s the lifestyle, experiences, and memories I create, whilst feeling alive and well, happy and full of joy, having fun and being able to spend time in nature.

Money does play its part of course, but most of these things defining my success cannot be purchased! So it is important to be clear on your definition of success because you may be trying to achieve something that you don’t actually want.

I know that if I had stayed a people pleaser, continued saying yes to things that didn’t serve me, and have nonexistent boundaries, I would not be where I am today. I also believe anyone else can reach their dreams, given the right tools, but it also starts with being clear.

None of the success I’ve had has happened by luck. I got clear on my future direction, worked on my mind-set, invested in myself and found my passion that was guided by what lights me up. My vivid imagination did the rest, along with a strategic plan of action, and some courageous decisions to get there!


Here’s a recipe for success that shows what else you need, and like any good recipe, adjust accordingly to your own preference!

2 dollops of joy
4 cups of self-love & tenderness
1 barrel laughter
4 parts coach
2 cups talent
5 spoons imagination
A bucket of positivity
A pinch of risks
A heap of courage
3 dollops of decisions
A dose of mind-set
3 spoons of purpose
3 parts clarity
A heap of strategy

Mix the courage and coach with purpose
Slowly stir in the imagination, positivity, and clarity
Add risk, decisions and strategy
Sprinkle with talent and mind-set
Season abundantly with laughter
Bake with rays of self-love & tenderness
Serve with joy

Turn out to nurture and cherish, and consume as desired!


Amanda-KerinAmanda Kerin is an Empowerment Coach, living a laptop lifestyle who runs her own coaching business. A self confessed high achiever that led to burnout, she now coaches women to follow their heart and reach their dreams. Amanda helps women to find direction, discover their purpose, and ignite their spark and lives by the motto – “do the thing that makes your heart sing”. Say hi to her on Twitter & follow her on Instagram or Facebook, or check out her website!



  1. Caroline says:

    I totally agree so many people link success to money, but it’s so much more!!

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